The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Re: Exeter City - Sat 1st March 2025
on: February 12, 2025, 12:37:38 pm
Please conduct your tiff via private messaging, I think most of us lost interest some time ago, thank you 🙏
I think you will see that I left it after Nigel's "judgement" , it was the other party who couldn't leave it.
The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Re: Exeter City - Sat 1st March 2025
on: February 12, 2025, 10:02:14 am
So here we go again, in your email to Kelvin you say "Roger has even stated he has been ignored by the club staff or senior management I think" , the last two words are the significant ones, "you think" So you are telling Kelvin what you THINK i said, is that correct? By the way you've certainly proved that you are completely untrust worthy and will snitch on anyone 
The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Re: Exeter City - Sat 1st March 2025
on: February 12, 2025, 09:11:48 am
I'm going to clarify here I attempted to move the conversation on following Roger resorting to childish name calling, and didn't feel it was constructive to further go down that route so I did not. Roger repeatedly asked for me to respond as to what in his post was nonsense, which I did - those are opinions, he's welcome to his, I'm welcome to mine - seems most people agreed. All good here. Roger then resorted to name calling, accused me of lying and said Kelvin thinks he's a good guy and indicated I should just follow along with Kelvins opinion This point is the first time I mentioned Roger lying in this thread, and was clearly talking about what I have seen of Roger in recent times on this forum in reference to making up my own opinion of someone not just listening to others (Kelvin), not necessarily just in this thread. I didn't want to get into the previous stuff again but because you've said there is no evidence here we are - Roger accused the club of ignoring him, while actually the reality was he had a zoom call with them ( https://www.smfserver.com/forums/thehotelend/index.php/topic,5547.msg527853.html#msg527853 - and in the previous comments/pages of that thread). Not sure how else to look at that other than saying it's a lie, saying one thing knowing it is not the case. So I believe I was well within my rights to say that. You just can't leave it alone can you. Nigel posted that there was nothing to substantiates your claim of me lying. I did think about posting a "thank you" about that but I thought I'd leave it, but you cant do that can you
The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Re: Hollywood @home
on: February 11, 2025, 13:14:17 pm
My first ever NTFC game was a match against Wrexham on Tuesday 11th September 1962. My father took me as a treat for my 8th birthday (which was a few days later). To my regret I remember nothing of the game itself, but I recall being transfixed by the floodlights and the way it lit up the playing field. I’d seen nothing like it before and it was a totally new experience for a young lad, standing on the cricket ground side of the old County Ground. The birthday treat was memorable not only for the fact it was my first NTFC game, but we won 8-0 (yes honest, 8-0). An 8-goal win in celebration of my upcoming 8th birthday.
Did you go the following Tuesday ? We followed the 8 against Wrexham with a 7-1 hammering of Halifax !
The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Re: Mansfield Town Friday
on: February 07, 2025, 22:47:13 pm
I thought it was a well deserved win, for 70 minutes we bossed the game with Taylor and Shaw both looking the part. Shame about the penalty, if that had gone in we might have won more comfortably or we might have sat back earlier ! It wasn't the best game of football I've seen but it was nowhere near as bad as some people seem to think IMO.
The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Re: Exeter City - Sat 1st March 2025
on: February 06, 2025, 22:18:48 pm
Just stop Roger, I don't need to evidence everything, it's right here on the forum for all to see.
Even in this comment you're twisting reality despite it being there for people to see, I never said you're trying to damage the club - I literally said "defends a group of people who try to damage the club I love", yet you quote it as something else. Just stop.
I can evidence everything I've said and there are quite clearly no lies.
I wasn't the one who ramped this up and then you accuse me of "repeatedly lying" Your last line, you say you can "evidence everything" so show me where I posted "absolute nonsense" in this thread. You can't so you, clearly, lied Donald.
The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Re: Mansfield Town Friday
on: February 06, 2025, 21:50:45 pm
Is this on the tellybox?
Just a bit too far for me on a Friday. Would have been tempted on a Saturday. Despite seeing 0-0, 1-2, 0-3 and 1-3 on my four northern away days Im hungry for more...
Though I may be the ultimate jinx
Sky Sports +
The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Re: Exeter City - Sat 1st March 2025
on: February 06, 2025, 21:41:15 pm
Because I make my own mind up about people based on how they behave Roger.
All i've seen from you is someone who defends a group of people who try to damage the club I love, even when they do things that are not defendable, someone who lies repeatedly, someone who makes posts like this one we're on now where there is nothing but being negative in mind and someone who throws out childish insults when he's caught out.
Well if your going to go all "Donald Trump" on me and lie with no evidence , I'll ask you again and this time just cut the waffle, what have I posted here that is "absolute nonsense" and where I've "defended the undefendable" show the evidence You say I'm "someone who lies repeatedly" again show me some evidence. This comes from a person who struggled to work out that 3 new board members couldn't outvote 7 existing board members, so he gave up and resigned. Good job the Trust weren't relying on people like you back in 2015 or we would, probably, all have been watching non league football for the last few years. You are saying that I've "Tried to damage" the club that you claim to love, but what do you think my "relationship" with Northampton Town is, bearing in mind I've been a fan for well over 60 years, a STH for over 40 years, a player sponsor, organised travel for fans for 35 years, raised a big proportion of the money that was put into the club when the sh*t hit the fan and worked free of charge at the club and you say I've tried to damage the club !!!!!
The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Re: My dads dick is bigger than yours
on: February 06, 2025, 15:31:15 pm
That is never going to end well....  I'm surprised there are 23 towns bigger than Northampton, in fact I don't think that is right Saint Cobbler and you must be counting cities too. Northampton is the 24th biggest place in the UK
The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Re: Exeter City - Sat 1st March 2025
on: February 06, 2025, 09:03:27 am
Seems I touched a nerve with you Tom, so yes the club did mention the FA Cup but it was in the 47th and last line of the statement , after the disabled info & Parking, this was after stating in lines 3,4&5, right at the top, with the date "Saturday March 1 2025,Kick off 3.00pm.This game will take place as above" Re my coach, virtually all my customers are repeat customers and I send out texts to them in which I started about the FA Cup postponement possibility, I just take names, no monies. Which is quite a bit different to taking money off people and then having to, possibly, refund it. I doubt that it's a five minute job to allocate an either Seat/Standing ticket and take the money off the card of all those who did the away match booking form. Don't say that all the people who've done the form will go whenever the games played because I know that's not true with the people I know. But to sum up, all I stated was that, IMO, it would have saved, potentially, a bit of work for some of the staff to have waited 6 days, but you have tried to turn it into World War 3 I know that you trust and admire Kelvin, so why not listen to him when he actually said I was "A good guy" on Radio Northampton the other month, but that doesn't suit your narrative does it?
The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Re: Exeter City - Sat 1st March 2025
on: February 05, 2025, 23:17:41 pm
Hold on. Someone is moaning at the club selling tickets but is taking bookings for a coach for the same event?  If you look at what I posted, all I said was, maybe they could have delayed the sales by 6 days and saved themselves, potentially, quite a bit of work. As tcobb posted, it's not like it will sell out, so there was IMO no need to sell them until next Wednesday, we're not a home on Saturday so it's not like people can buy them when they go to a game.
The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Re: Exeter City - Sat 1st March 2025
on: February 05, 2025, 19:02:17 pm
I suppose you could always use it as something else to berate the Club with . Your favourite pastime it seems  So you think it's OK that the club have, potentially, wasted their employee's time, when they didn't need to ? That's fine if they want to do that, but I think I'm quite entitled to point it out, but with me being the former Trust board member means that you and Tom feel it's your duty to disagree with me, even when I explained it to you and you really know what I said was true, don't you?
The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Re: Exeter City - Sat 1st March 2025
on: February 05, 2025, 18:56:09 pm
So you want the club to delay selling tickets....but it's ok for you to sell your away day tickets? You posted 20th Jan with the details and booking info.
Seems a bit of a contradiction to me Roger.
I'd say the looking for problems was a fair comment.
The difference is Tom that everyone who books to come on my coach knows, 100%, that it depends on the Exeter FA Cup result. It doesn't cost anyone any time unlike at NTFC I'd say you contradicting whatever I post is a guarantee, even when you know what I posted was 100% correct.
The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Re: Exeter City - Sat 1st March 2025
on: February 05, 2025, 16:09:45 pm
Either way you will have to wait until the cup games, it's only a few days, the game won't sell out, stop looking for problems that only exist in your own heads.
Not looking for "problems that only exist in your head" just looking to offer advice in being a bit more efficient. Like you say, it's not likely to sell out so they could have waited the other 6 days but, they have spent time putting out a press release and processing the away match forms, all of which will have to be undone next week if Exeter go through, why waste that time when it's not 100% necessary ?
The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Re: Exeter City - Sat 1st March 2025
on: February 05, 2025, 15:42:57 pm
Just dont buy one until the result of the cup game, cant see why its a problem, its hardly likely to sell out is it ?  That's what I'll do but i bet there are some who will buy without the knowledge that it could be off, plus the away match booking forms have been processed
The Hotel End / Cobblers Corner / Exeter City - Sat 1st March 2025
on: February 05, 2025, 15:22:26 pm
I see that we are selling tickets to STH's when the opposition are still in the FA Cup, so the game could be off. Surely we could have waited a week to see if Exeter progress, they are at home to Forest, so it would be against the odds, but if they do, the 5th round is the weekend of our visit. It's not as if we have a home game this Saturday and people could buy them then, a week would have made no difference IMO.