Deepcut Cobbler
“They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.” Laurence Binyon
The Hotelend Grand National Sweepstake Champion 2009
I can see the talk of the virus on the match thread, which would quickly descend into handbags if posted there. At least here not many see it  I have a differing view. If you are asymptomatic, firstly you are unlikely to know you have Covid anymore. If you have mild symptoms and test, you won't get a PCR test to confirm. So you have lateral flows (until you have to buy them) and left with a good idea that you are positive but feel OK or OKish. The actual reasons and relevance of testing are quickly diminishing. I would defend anyone who wished to go about their day. Whether that is football, shopping, out for dinner etc. Maybe wear a mask and maybe stay away if you are hacking away. The strategy has moved on and it is no longer deemed as a huge threat, which is being backed up by the 'science'. If it is a bigger threat to those who chose not to vaccinate, that's a different discussion. I have heard of more positive cases in the past couple of weeks since the start of the pandemic, at least a dozen. Not one has been remotely ill to the extent of proper man flu. There are 200 odd people in intensive care across the country. How many are unvaccinated and how many others were already of very poor health? How does this compare to business as usual? The government can't remove ALL restrictions and rely on a common approach. The other thing it has done is create absolute chaos for employers. This is where the goal posts move a bit. Now an employer needs to decide if they want to allow known positive cases in. Even more complicated when you factor in company sick pay schemes, bonus schemes for attendance, disciplinary action, considerations for nearby employees, working from home/unable to work from home inconsistencies. My large employer is currently struggling to navigate the wide open interpretation of how to manage covid. At the moment I wouldn't let a know positive into the building but I'd also think twice before looking to restrict sick pay and any other penalties. It is not going anywhere, the vast, vast majority will breeze through it and you don't need an excuse if you don't want to endure the bums on seats football.
Deepcut Cobbler
Didn't feel too good Tuesday (a bit of man-flu?), tested positive Wednesday morning and three days in, still not feeling too healthy. I've had all three vaccines, so hopefully it's just a case of riding it out. 
“They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.” Laurence Binyon
The Hotelend Grand National Sweepstake Champion 2009
Didn't feel too good Tuesday (a bit of man-flu?), tested positive Wednesday morning and three days in, still not feeling too healthy. I've had all three vaccines, so hopefully it's just a case of riding it out.  I was quite poorly with it recently mate. Bizarrely, it was my fourth time with it. The first time was a couple of days after the original lock down. So no jab, but was totally asymptomatic. Second and third time the same, but I'd had two vaccines at that time. The last time, a couple of months ago, all boostered up, I was quite poorly. Odd considering it’s supposed to be the mildest variant.
When it comes to advice. I’m the only one to Trust
« Reply #204 on: September 16, 2024, 15:44:51 pm » |
Over two years since the dreading rona made T.H.E. news.
Just battled a horrible case of it, picked up in Spain. Much worse than the first time I had it and was given breathing support overnight. Still feel pretty ropey a month later. Suddenly you then hear of multiple cases around my small circle (not caught from me) and then it pops up on the BBC news site. I do know a few people who have had it 3 or 4 times.
I'm assuming it's out then again, just as I'd forgotten about it!
Deepcut Cobbler
« Reply #205 on: September 16, 2024, 16:42:45 pm » |
Over two years since the dreading rona made T.H.E. news.
Just battled a horrible case of it, picked up in Spain. Much worse than the first time I had it and was given breathing support overnight. Still feel pretty ropey a month later. Suddenly you then hear of multiple cases around my small circle (not caught from me) and then it pops up on the BBC news site. I do know a few people who have had it 3 or 4 times.
I'm assuming it's out then again, just as I'd forgotten about it!
I know quite a few people who've had it recently, similar to you, a lot worse than the first time. It's never gone away.
“They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.” Laurence Binyon
The Hotelend Grand National Sweepstake Champion 2009
« Reply #206 on: September 16, 2024, 16:56:04 pm » |
It isn't going to go away, the current strain, XEC, is likely to cause a wave of infection over the winter months. It's endemic, like the common cold and other respiratory viruses.
« Reply #207 on: September 16, 2024, 18:12:48 pm » |
I know more people who have had it in the last month or currently have it now
Also they say it's worse this time than the other times they have had it
I want to keep away from it had it 3 times already
« Reply #208 on: September 16, 2024, 18:35:19 pm » |
I've still only had it the once. My wife had it 6 months or so back and despite sharing a bed I somehow avoided it!
I'm not keen on having it again though; it was only like a nasty cold for me in terms of the usual symptoms but I also had really painful eyes and terrible brain fog.
Ever since I've been conscious that my memory is nowhere near as good as it used to be before I had it, which apparently is one of the less widely reported side effects.
The Hotelend Grand National* Sweepstake Champion 2020
« Reply #209 on: September 16, 2024, 18:46:32 pm » |
Over two years since the dreading rona made T.H.E. news.
Just battled a horrible case of it, picked up in Spain. Much worse than the first time I had it and was given breathing support overnight. Still feel pretty ropey a month later. Suddenly you then hear of multiple cases around my small circle (not caught from me) and then it pops up on the BBC news site. I do know a few people who have had it 3 or 4 times.
I'm assuming it's out then again, just as I'd forgotten about it!
Hope you are feeling better son mate.👍
Rule Britannia
« Reply #210 on: September 17, 2024, 15:39:09 pm » |
Over two years since the dreading rona made T.H.E. news.
Just battled a horrible case of it, picked up in Spain. Much worse than the first time I had it and was given breathing support overnight. Still feel pretty ropey a month later. Suddenly you then hear of multiple cases around my small circle (not caught from me) and then it pops up on the BBC news site. I do know a few people who have had it 3 or 4 times.
I'm assuming it's out then again, just as I'd forgotten about it!
Sorry to hear that mate and hope you are back to 100% soon. I've also heard about it showing up again in my circle of friends. Seems there is another new variant so immunisation not as efective yet again. My kids are already both ill within a week of being back in college etc. although I don't think it's Covid. I guess that will spread things again for a while.
« Reply #211 on: September 17, 2024, 16:18:03 pm » |
Thank you kind Manny and Hammer  I'm far better now thank you...just not back up to 10,000 steps yet.
« Reply #212 on: September 17, 2024, 19:15:46 pm » |
Thank you kind Manny and Hammer  I'm far better now thank you...just not back up to 10,000 steps yet. 👍
Rule Britannia
« Reply #213 on: September 25, 2024, 15:59:37 pm » |
Oh good. I've just tested positive.
The Hotelend Grand National* Sweepstake Champion 2020
Tabasco Kid
« Reply #214 on: September 25, 2024, 16:32:15 pm » |
Oh good. I've just tested positive.
Put your mask on, before you type. 
Pronoun "bloke".
« Reply #216 on: September 25, 2024, 17:42:57 pm » |
Covid is just a hoax to control the masses
Care to share that with the bereaved families of people I looked after who died of COVID19?
« Reply #217 on: September 26, 2024, 15:37:55 pm » |
Back in 2020 i had Covid and was really ill for 3 weeks, my wife ended up in hospital for 2 weeks and she was told her Liver was failing and if it didnt start to recover she would need a transplant or die within a month. It took over 6 months to recover in the end. She caught it again in 2022 whilst we were on holiday but i didnt for some reason. Neither of us has caught it since, any idiot who things its a hoax needs to take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror. Myself and the wife were fortunate at a time when a lot of people were not.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2024, 15:43:04 pm by tcobb »
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This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.
« Reply #218 on: September 27, 2024, 09:29:30 am » |
Oh good. I've just tested positive.
So.... Ladt week - The kids had a cold. We mocked one of them for coming home from school one day because of it. Monday - I got a tickly cough and started sniffing a bit. Tuesday - went out with work in the evening, felt fine. Got back to hotel room and had a bit of trouble breathing, put it down to my asthma and kicked myself for not bringing my inhaler with me. Woke up in the night and breathing was back to normal. Wednesday - at a meeting all day and felt pretty washed out throughout. Put it down to not sleeping well the night before. Got home and found that eldest child had tested positive on Tuesday but not said anything. Did a test and it was positive. Thursday - felt slightly off but better than the previous day. Mild headache in the morning, disappeared after taking 2 paracetamol. Friday - feel fine, did another test and it's negative, so should be alright for the match tomorrow! I was a bit worried about this newer strain going around as I've heard several people say it's quite nasty, but for me I suspect given the timescales it was on the way out before I was even aware of it!
The Hotelend Grand National* Sweepstake Champion 2020
« Reply #219 on: September 28, 2024, 11:06:01 am » |
I tested positive for COVID this morning, i've felt a bit meh for a few days, two tests yesterday were negative but it felt like i'd been hit by a bus last night. Shakes and shivers, a cough and muscle pains, and sore eyes and the trots just to add to the joy! 