Manny, Manny, Manny.... surely you could find a more reliable news outlet than that?!?
The Hotelend Grand National* Sweepstake Champion 2020
Thanks for sharing, I would say it serves you all right for voting for these utter socialist c***s but most people didn’t they got in by default and the split right vote with Reform. It won’t happen again. #Labour scum.
Tactical voting took place and you know it  For example. I wanted to give the Tory's a good kick in. I live in Rushden, our MP battle was totally Cons V Labour. Reform didn't stand a chance. So I voted for Labour. I knew that Labour would unlikely improve things but I couldn't stomach backing up the Tory's again after a total sh1t show that has gone on for years. Id been close to voting Labour a couple of times previously, but I couldn't quite stomach it during Blairs early days and John Smith (who I would have certainly backed) sadly died. The greatest leader this country never had, in my opinion. An utterly top bloke. I am very much a centrist, but economically I sit to the right and socially to the left. I co-run a business with between 7-10 full timers, Im preyd that we treat our employees really well and I believe it gets returned. No minimum wage and all that b'ollox. Relaxed about working hours. They come in 2 days a week, work remotely 3 days a week. But that's totally flexible. We've had one person leave us in 20 years when it got messy and we comfortably won that gig via a tribunal. She was a tw@t!  I digress. Next time round I will not be backing either of the two main parties. They are a total bunch of xxxx's. Ill probably go with reform, at this stage. Why? Because I want to kick the ass of the tw@ts that have run this country for years. Decades etc. I pretty much disagree with everything they both stand for. Reform. I believe that in 4-5 years they would have weeded out the idiots and will be ready to govern and sort out our sh1t show. I reserve the right to change that opinion before then of course. I agree with most of their headline policies. I didn't vote for them last time because of the reason I stated at the start of this post plus also they had grown too quickly and had to many chancers amongst their ranks. I believe that will change. Lets see what happens. I've previously voted Cons, Labour and UKIP. So I aint a nutjob sitting on the right or the left. I just want us to sort out the main issues. NHS, Immigration and make things fairer across the board. Thats it!
Just checking in.. Are they all still fcuking us over??
When it comes to advice. I’m the only one to Trust
Melbourne Cobbler
Just checking in.. Are they all still fcuking us over??
Not all, just the politicians.
Let me make one thing absolutely clear, the Trust “advisor” is not god. Are you going to tell him or shall I?
Worthless Recluse
Manny, Manny, Manny.... surely you could find a more reliable news outlet than that?!?
Trump's in good company. Amongst others, Hitler, Stalin, Nixon. Oh, and Greta.
Male. No qualifying conditions.
Bugbrooke Boy
The Conservatives are still as hopelessly divided as when they were in power - it seems Rishi loves and sandwich but Ms Badenoch really does not, #Tory chaos.
Mr Manwork - it seems you still insist on using playground language - for someone pretending to be soooo clever it is noticeable how quickly you descend into gutter speak!
The Conservatives are still as hopelessly divided as when they were in power - it seems Rishi loves and sandwich but Ms Badenoch really does not, #Tory chaos.
Mr Manwork - it seems you still insist on using playground language - for someone pretending to be soooo clever it is noticeable how quickly you descend into gutter speak!
😂 clearly not teaching English at your school.
Rule Britannia
Worthless Recluse
She's nuts. Who doesn't like a moist sandwich?
Male. No qualifying conditions.
😂 clearly not teaching English at your school.
14 years of tory underfunding and chaos 
Melbourne Cobbler
14 years of tory underfunding and chaos  I must admit, it makes a refreshing change to say Labour are shít. Calling the Tories shít was getting a bit monotonous.
Let me make one thing absolutely clear, the Trust “advisor” is not god. Are you going to tell him or shall I?
President elect!
Elect, get it right! Donnie becomes president in January for 4 years, then he’s gone and the grown ups will be able to repair all the damage he’ll do
A former informant has pleaded guilty to lying to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) about a fake bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Alexander Smirnov, 44, also admitted tax evasion after not reporting more than $2m (£1.58m) in income. His claims became the basis of an impeachment investigation in Congress which centred around the false claims that the Bidens made millions in bribes from Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. But Smirnov admitted he made the story up, and pleaded guilty in Los Angeles on Monday as part of an agreement with prosecutors. Just for a bit of balance, from the biased left wing anti semitic BBC 
A former informant has pleaded guilty to lying to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) about a fake bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Alexander Smirnov, 44, also admitted tax evasion after not reporting more than $2m (£1.58m) in income. His claims became the basis of an impeachment investigation in Congress which centred around the false claims that the Bidens made millions in bribes from Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. But Smirnov admitted he made the story up, and pleaded guilty in Los Angeles on Monday as part of an agreement with prosecutors. Just for a bit of balance, from the biased left wing anti semitic BBC  Sleepy Joe and his druggy son hunter, really.
Rule Britannia
Melbourne Cobbler
Can we do something about letting some more migrants in? The labour market is starting to get a little expensive again.
Let me make one thing absolutely clear, the Trust “advisor” is not god. Are you going to tell him or shall I?
Have we actually got anybody running the country? They've all gone to ground since they won.
When it comes to advice. I’m the only one to Trust