The EU lurches from crisis to crisis, now Trump is going to impose Tariffs on the EU.
Rule Britannia
It seems the majority of the country disagree with you
No they didn't. Or are you saying that because the majority of people think Starmer is a c×nt that there should be another election?
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The electorate have spoken, that decision should be respected whether some people like it or not!
Dancing to my own song
Tabasco Kid
The electorate have spoken, that decision should be respected whether some people like it or not!
And the same applies to Brexit.
Pronoun "bloke".
And the same applies to Brexit.
Rule Britannia
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"To me, to you"
Dancing to my own song
The electorate have spoken, that decision should be respected whether some people like it or not!
Not really, more people voted Tory and Reform FACT.
Rule Britannia
and why is that? it ok to have another referedum in 30 years time btw?
Yes. It's fine to have as many referendums as they/you like. But it is not ok to reconnect the ties that were severed under the last referendum. As that is undemocratic. Especially considering we have paid billions to get out of the very trade deals the simpleton is trying to re-engage us in. And I didn't give a shyte about Brexit.
When it comes to advice. I’m the only one to Trust
Yes. It's fine to have as many referendums as they/you like. But it is not ok to reconnect the ties that were severed under the last referendum. As that is undemocratic. Especially considering we have paid billions to get out of the very trade deals the simpleton is trying to re-engage us in.
And I didn't give a shyte about Brexit.
A simple YES/NO vote on brexit was not good enough. And only the bravado and ego of David Cameron allowed it. Now though with the World changing China and the US entering a trade war, surely it makes sense to align ourselves closer to our near neighbours? My dad voted Brexit, his argument was in the 70s it was a "common market" not a threat to sovereignty (ridiculous argument of course). The point is we could still be part of the free market, and outside the European Union. It's intricate and complicated and none of us had all the facts when entering the referendum, how could we? And how could we know the complications? I go back to what I said earlier most people that voted Brexit voted for blue passports and to get on over on Johnnie Foreigner.
Only Gay in the Village??
A simple YES/NO vote on brexit was not good enough. And only the bravado and ego of David Cameron allowed it.
Now though with the World changing China and the US entering a trade war, surely it makes sense to align ourselves closer to our near neighbours?
My dad voted Brexit, his argument was in the 70s it was a "common market" not a threat to sovereignty (ridiculous argument of course). The point is we could still be part of the free market, and outside the European Union. It's intricate and complicated and none of us had all the facts when entering the referendum, how could we? And how could we know the complications? I go back to what I said earlier most people that voted Brexit voted for blue passports and to get on over on Johnnie Foreigner.
As much as I respect your point. I am not a brexiteer, or a remainer. But I am very aware that it was, and remains a democratic decision. I might not like it. You might not like it. But it is the thin end of a wedge, renegotiating our way back into a deal that was voted against by the British people. You cannot look at this as acceptable because it suits your preferences. Because the next undemocratic step, might fly right in the face of your views. Remember, Starmer is not doing this to get either of us a better deal. He is doing it because it is popular within his support. It is simply wrong.
When it comes to advice. I’m the only one to Trust
Remember, Starmer is not doing this to get either of us a better deal.
Don't agree sorry, some politicians do the right thing.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 08:31:34 am by therealpattcobb »
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Only Gay in the Village??
Don't agree sorry, some politicians do the right thing.
They do. But certainly not that one. Believe me. As some on here will tell you. I know.
When it comes to advice. I’m the only one to Trust
They do. But certainly not that one. Believe me. As some on here will tell you. I know.
One on here will tell you
Only Gay in the Village??
They do. But certainly not that one. Believe me. As some on here will tell you. I know.
Tel knows the Starmtrooper is a total w@nker. His cabinet looks like some kind of horror story, Rachel from accounts, a proven liar and utterly out of her depth, her budget was a disaster, Ed Milliband, a firebrand socialist and complete nutter, and then Ange dirty with no qualifications phrrrrrrrrrr
Rule Britannia
Tel knows the Starmtrooper is a total w@nker. His cabinet looks like some kind of horror story, Rachel from accounts, a proven liar and utterly out of her depth, her budget was a disaster, Ed Milliband, a firebrand socialist and complete nutter, and then Ange dirty with no qualifications phrrrrrrrrrr
Predictable response from someone who's views frankly scare me. The alternative to Labour right now is?
Only Gay in the Village??
Predictable response from someone who's views frankly scare me.
The alternative to Labour right now is?
As you will know, because I have mentioned it (over 😁 ) frequently, I don't vote in anything. I completely disagree with the electoral process and the lack of public interest and accountability for those who are given the privilege to govern us. So I have tried to avoid this thread. But given time, Starmer will turn out to potentially the worst PM this country has ever seen. And possibly (hopefully) soon, the most controversial.
When it comes to advice. I’m the only one to Trust
Ange dirty with no qualifications
TBH I am not bothered by the qualifications but I would never trust a teenage mum, who did a dodgy deal on her council house, got fined during covid, had cosmetic surgery, wears free clothes and still smokes roll ups. I'm not sure I'd buy a used car from her. I bet she has experienced some extreme sliding doors moments in her life. So in that respect you could say "She's done well for herself." Apart from that a great deputy leader of the country, making decisions for us mere mortals. 
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I see donnie wants to take control of Gaza 🤡
Dancing to my own song
Tabasco Kid
I see donnie wants to take control of Gaza 🤡
If that became part of America, would the current residents qualify for US citizenship? The sh1t really would hit the fan if that happened.
Pronoun "bloke".
I see donnie wants to take control of Gaza 🤡
It’s the only way to secure Israel’s borders, the people in Gaza simply can’t live there, there’s nothing left, send them to Arabs countries that will take them as refugees, there needs to be a solution for Palestine that doesn’t involve them murdering their neighbours, I think the 2 state solution is dead.
Rule Britannia