« on: October 23, 2023, 12:35:43 pm » |
Firstly, unlike the rest of the West, including the UK, Hamas are not referred to as terrorists. So crossing into Israel and murdering over a 1000 men, women and children civilians is an act of ‘militancy’. There is also wide coverage of the plight of wounded Gaza residents. Shame that the Israeli victims were all dead (murdered) not injured or no doubt the BBC would give equal coverage. Or maybe not. There has not been any coverage of why these loonies take on a battle they cant win but only succeed in getting their own people killed. Collateral rather than targetted but nevertheless dead. No questioning of why human lives mean nothing to these savages. Had ISIS operated in Israel the BBC would no doubt dub them ‘militants’. The lefty anti semitism of this repulsive organisation is a fücking disgrace. Defund the BBC
Rule Britannia
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2023, 12:47:29 pm » |
If I didn't like a programme, I'd stop watching it. It's not as if other news channels aren't available, I'm sure GB News would be right up your street, not that I've watched it. In fact for several years now, I don't watch any news programmes at all. Much happier in myself that way, you should try it.
Managers like Bowen and Wilder* are rare to come by! Whether we like it or not Jon Brady is the only recent Manager who can possibly follow in their* footstops!
We should stick with him, as at the moment he is our only hope of survival as a EFL Club!
Worthless Recluse
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2023, 13:36:12 pm » |
I do Aljazeera. Couldn't help but notice what Jason Mohammad had on his feet and round his neck on MOTD2 last night either. Green, white and black hitop trainers and a black white scarf with hint of red. Not saying I agree, or disagree.
Male. No qualifying conditions.
EB Claret
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2023, 16:55:09 pm » |
It's good to add his unbiased opinion to the mix. 
Peter Frost
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2023, 17:15:38 pm » |
It's good to add his unbiased opinion to the mix.  …..& from the Express, noted for its professional unbiased journalism …….
Bugbrooke Boy
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2023, 18:22:51 pm » |
The Express, Israeli government and probably GB News, The Daily Mail, Fox News - all unbiased of course.
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2023, 17:46:53 pm » |
I now see that the Hamas, ISIS supporters claiming to support Palestinians are planning to march through Whitehall on armistice day. If the met police let this happen I guarantee there will be severe civil unrest, this is so disrespectful it’s untrue.
Rule Britannia
Peter Frost
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2023, 13:18:55 pm » |
I now see that the Hamas, ISIS supporters claiming to support Palestinians are planning to march through Whitehall on armistice day. If the met police let this happen I guarantee there will be severe civil unrest, this is so disrespectful it’s untrue.
This is typical Braverman style gaslighting that not only distorts the truth but actually is a catalyst for civil unrest and division - My understanding is the vast majority, who have demonstrated every weekend since this tragedy started have agreed to stay clear of the area and maintain a respectful approach. Did you see the protest yesterday in Northampton - silent, very respectful and included a number of Jews in the gathering. So what's your view on peaceful pro Palestine with an objective of ceasing the death toll of 10k plus civilians (Israeli and Arabs) Instead of having such a polarised right wing view, perhaps try stepping in the other guys shoes or better still spend a couple of weeks in Gaza helping an aid agency then you might be qualified to comment on an immensely complex subject
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2023, 13:30:33 pm » |
This is typical Braverman style gaslighting that not only distorts the truth but actually is a catalyst for civil unrest and division - My understanding is the vast majority, who have demonstrated every weekend since this tragedy started have agreed to stay clear of the area and maintain a respectful approach.
Did you see the protest yesterday in Northampton - silent, very respectful and included a number of Jews in the gathering.
So what's your view on peaceful pro Palestine with an objective of ceasing the death toll of 10k plus civilians (Israeli and Arabs)
Instead of having such a polarised right wing view, perhaps try stepping in the other guys shoes or better still spend a couple of weeks in Gaza helping an aid agency then you might be qualified to comment on an immensely complex subject
Antisemitic incidents in London are up 15 times more in the past three weeks compared to last year. I’ve heard several news reports (mainly BBC) that report that the Jewish community feel unsafe or deciding to stay in and avoid certain areas like the tube. Where there are tens of thousands of people on these ‘peaceful’ protests, there’ll also be a fair share of absolute **** heads. I’d hope a backwater like Northampton would be OK but can imagine it’s pretty poisonous in the big cities with more visible Jewish communities.
Peter Frost
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2023, 14:11:17 pm » |
Antisemitic incidents in London are up 15 times more in the past three weeks compared to last year. I’ve heard several news reports (mainly BBC) that report that the Jewish community feel unsafe or deciding to stay in and avoid certain areas like the tube. Where there are tens of thousands of people on these ‘peaceful’ protests, there’ll also be a fair share of absolute **** heads. I’d hope a backwater like Northampton would be OK but can imagine it’s pretty poisonous in the big cities with more visible Jewish communities.
Don't disagree with anything you say although not sure it's a response for what I just posted. I do feel very strongly on this subject and have a few simple views on a very complicated issue 1) The State of Israel's treatment of Palestinian people has been a disgrace for decades 2) Hamas or previous iterations of the same type have done nothing to improve that situation and have consistently made matters worse with their largely ineffective rocket attacks on Israel and occasional murderous terrorist action. 3) Their attacks in October were a subhuman disgrace and under no circumstances can be justified or indeed supported. 4) There are some unanswered questions about those attacks - Israel has an incredibly sophisticated intelligence and surveillance infrastructure so to be taken so by surprise is very strange. 5) The State of Israel has a right to hunt down and neutralise Hamas 6) The State of Israel's response in Gaza is in my opinion massively disproportional and again in my opinion more about revenge than defence. 7) A dead Arab baby is as tragic as a dead Israeli baby. 8 ) The Israeli strategy won't work - they will be converting moderates to new terrorists in their thousands amongst the bereaved and disaffected. 9) I despise individuals who engage in anti Jewish or anti Islamic actions or words. 10) The one piece of light has been community Arabs and Jews working together for a common understanding with a positive outcome for their communities - when I see people stirring the s***e rather than making any attempt towards solutions at least at a local level it is so disappointing.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2023, 14:18:12 pm by Peter Frost »
Report Spam
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2023, 17:10:42 pm » |
No arguments from me Peter.
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2023, 12:22:07 pm » |
This is typical Braverman style gaslighting that not only distorts the truth but actually is a catalyst for civil unrest and division - My understanding is the vast majority, who have demonstrated every weekend since this tragedy started have agreed to stay clear of the area and maintain a respectful approach.
Did you see the protest yesterday in Northampton - silent, very respectful and included a number of Jews in the gathering.
So what's your view on peaceful pro Palestine with an objective of ceasing the death toll of 10k plus civilians (Israeli and Arabs)
Instead of having such a polarised right wing view, perhaps try stepping in the other guys shoes or better still spend a couple of weeks in Gaza helping an aid agency then you might be qualified to comment on an immensely complex subject
You mean like the ones with placards supporting Hamas and ISIS or saying remember 1940? They are utter scum, it’s Hamas that are using Palestinian children as human shields.
Rule Britannia
Peter Frost
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2023, 14:14:38 pm » |
You mean like the ones with placards supporting Hamas and ISIS or saying remember 1940? They are utter scum, it’s Hamas that are using Palestinian children as human shields.
Don’t be ridiculous, why are you incapable of seeing the bigger picture - you know full well those individuals (who I equally despise) make up a tiny fraction of people marching. One of my family members will be on that march, because unlike right wing bigots who fan hate ( usually from a point of ignorance ) has spent time in Gaza and knows a considerable more about the situation than either you or me - and I’m very proud of her. I‘m minded how people choose what to believe - you constantly criticise the BBC yet suck up every pro media story that agrees with your beliefs - don’t you realise they all lie to you.
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2023, 14:47:26 pm » |
Absolutely no better time for peaceful anti-war demonstrations than Armistice Day. It's exactly the right day to protest against a genocidal regime.
Jim Hall Fixit
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2023, 17:56:03 pm » |
Don't disagree with anything you say although not sure it's a response for what I just posted.
I do feel very strongly on this subject and have a few simple views on a very complicated issue
1) The State of Israel's treatment of Palestinian people has been a disgrace for decades 2) Hamas or previous iterations of the same type have done nothing to improve that situation and have consistently made matters worse with their largely ineffective rocket attacks on Israel and occasional murderous terrorist action. 3) Their attacks in October were a subhuman disgrace and under no circumstances can be justified or indeed supported. 4) There are some unanswered questions about those attacks - Israel has an incredibly sophisticated intelligence and surveillance infrastructure so to be taken so by surprise is very strange. 5) The State of Israel has a right to hunt down and neutralise Hamas 6) The State of Israel's response in Gaza is in my opinion massively disproportional and again in my opinion more about revenge than defence. 7) A dead Arab baby is as tragic as a dead Israeli baby. 8 ) The Israeli strategy won't work - they will be converting moderates to new terrorists in their thousands amongst the bereaved and disaffected. 9) I despise individuals who engage in anti Jewish or anti Islamic actions or words. 10) The one piece of light has been community Arabs and Jews working together for a common understanding with a positive outcome for their communities - when I see people stirring the s***e rather than making any attempt towards solutions at least at a local level it is so disappointing.
"My three children were born in Northamptonshire so I like to think I'm an adopted Northamptonian and it's the same for Rico and Sammo. It means a lot to us because this is our county.
Jim Hall Fixit
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2023, 18:07:59 pm » |
I now see that the Hamas, ISIS supporters claiming to support Palestinians are planning to march through Whitehall on armistice day. If the met police let this happen I guarantee there will be severe civil unrest, this is so disrespectful it’s untrue.
Hiya Manny. British soldiers killed in WW2 made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the freedoms of people like you, me, the Jewish population and the peace marchers. Our grandfathers died to stop the rise of facism. To stop Gvts forcing their citizens to keep quiet. To stop Gvts influencing the Press to be their mouthpiece. To stop Gvts trying to manage how we are policed. In short everything that Suella DeVille and her puppet Sunak are doing. My grandad died in WW2 / I never met him but I know which side he would be on - and it wouldn’t be yours Manny! Wake up and smell the coffee my friend the enemy within is not where you’re looking! Also, spend less time bashing the BBC and more time counteracting the misinformation you think they peddle by campaigning for your beloved Tories on the doorstep. You have a golden opportunity coming up in Wellingborough - where another Blueboy has disgraced himself.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2023, 19:01:47 pm by Jim Hall Fixit »
Report Spam
"My three children were born in Northamptonshire so I like to think I'm an adopted Northamptonian and it's the same for Rico and Sammo. It means a lot to us because this is our county.
Peter Frost
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2023, 07:37:14 am » |
| doesn't work mate He's a celebrity chef so I guess you were just posting a picture of his Humble Pie