« Reply #60 on: March 11, 2024, 09:25:01 am » |
it’s all very well working it out it DOING it that takes some doing with 1969 technologies, it’s just not feasible. It’s you who are delusional if you think tat actually happened.
You are aware that in 1969 there were fully functioning computers and that computers to calculate intersecting vectors were used during WW2 to aim anti-aircraft guns and plot firing solutions on submarines. So now you know that the technology was readily available to launch the lunar landing module to rendezvous with the orbiting command module. As I have said before, moon landing deniers always fail to come up with credible evidence that it never happened.
« Reply #61 on: March 11, 2024, 12:57:34 pm » |
😂 it’s all very well working it out it DOING it that takes some doing with 1969 technologies, it’s just not feasible. It’s you who are delusional if you think tat actually happened.
Melbourne Cobbler
« Reply #62 on: March 11, 2024, 20:51:31 pm » |
😂 it’s all very well working it out it DOING it that takes some doing with 1969 technologies, it’s just not feasible. It’s you who are delusional if you think tat actually happened.
I think it’s the Trusts fault we never got there.
Let me make one thing absolutely clear, the Trust “advisor” is not god. Are you going to tell him or shall I?
« Reply #63 on: March 12, 2024, 09:41:09 am » |
I think it’s the Trusts fault we never got there.
Probably Del was in charge of the vectors.
Rule Britannia
From the source you provided, "But Milankovitch cycles can’t explain all climate change that’s occurred over the past 2.5 million years or so. And more importantly, they cannot account for the current period of rapid warming Earth has experienced since the pre-Industrial period (the period between 1850 and 1900), and particularly since the mid-20th century. Scientists are confident Earth’s recent warming is primarily due to human activities — specifically, the direct input of carbon dioxide into Earth’s atmosphere from burning fossil fuels."
It’s all too late, we are looking at a 2.5°c as a minimum by the end of the century, but as Stephen Hawkins said about the aliens, they had better hurry up and show themselves because it’s very unlikely that humans will exist in a hundred years time.
Rule Britannia
It’s all too late, we are looking at a 2.5°c as a minimum by the end of the century, but as Stephen Hawkins said about the aliens, they had better hurry up and show themselves because it’s very unlikely that humans will exist in a hundred years time.
Well we can agree on that. A rough few decades ahead.
EB Claret
For most of the time the earth has existed the climate has been unsuitable to sustain human life. We are told that in the era of the various dinosaurs, temperatures were 5 degrees higher than now and co2 levels were 16 times higher than now. The planet was teeming with life, just not human beings. The boom in the human population coincided with an unusually cool and stable climate. The 1850 date that todays climate is compared with was, apparently, the coldest year in the last 10,000 years.
For most of the time the earth has existed the climate has been unsuitable to sustain human life. We are told that in the era of the various dinosaurs, temperatures were 5 degrees higher than now and co2 levels were 16 times higher than now. The planet was teeming with life, just not human beings. The boom in the human population coincided with an unusually cool and stable climate. The 1850 date that todays climate is compared with was, apparently, the coldest year in the last 10,000 years.
I must admit to having a fairly nihilistic outlook when I hear people banging on about "saving the planet". The planet doesn’t need saving! It will quite happily continue spinning around the sun, alternating between being unusually hot and unusually cold and everything in between over the course of millions and billions of years. No, what they mean is let's keep it how it is for a long as we can to make it nice for our species which, let's face it, are no more than parasites crawling over the planet's surface. I'm not disputing climate change or, more to the point, our role in accelerating it but let's not pretend green issues are about saving the planet. They are just about self-interest and survival.
The Hotelend Grand National* Sweepstake Champion 2020
I must admit to having a fairly nihilistic outlook when I hear people banging on about "saving the planet".
The planet doesn’t need saving! It will quite happily continue spinning around the sun, alternating between being unusually hot and unusually cold and everything in between over the course of millions and billions of years.
No, what they mean is let's keep it how it is for a long as we can to make it nice for our species which, let's face it, are no more than parasites crawling over the planet's surface.
I'm not disputing climate change or, more to the point, our role in accelerating it but let's not pretend green issues are about saving the planet. They are just about self-interest and survival.
Wrong. They are about making friends of politicians money.
Wrong they are about Justin Rowlatt (Rat) of BBC climate panic fame flying around the world in a jet showing people on the idiot lantern how warm and wet it is. What a c***. 
Rule Britannia
Peter Frost
Forgetting about man made climate change (which of course is a fact) & only denied by idiots - the real issue here is the exponential use of the planets resources to feed our desire both for things and food that far from sustaining us actually decreases our life expectancy- yes of course some environmental issues are exaggerated and yes of course some people make money by exploiting the situation but the issue is very much reality and unless there’s a significant shift in attitudes we are in serious trouble.
Forgetting about man made climate change (which of course is a fact) & only denied by idiots - the real issue here is the exponential use of the planets resources to feed our desire both for things and food that far from sustaining us actually decreases our life expectancy- yes of course some environmental issues are exaggerated and yes of course some people make money by exploiting the situation but the issue is very much reality and unless there’s a significant shift in attitudes we are in serious trouble.
The human race was doomed from the moment the first non-renewable resources were removed from the ground. It is just a matter of time before the majority die out and the only survivors will be the "nutters" who live in the forests.
Peter Frost
The human race was doomed from the moment the first non-renewable resources were removed from the ground. It is just a matter of time before the majority die out and the only survivors will be the "nutters" who live in the forests.
Of course you are right but given all the good things humanity has gifted the world wouldn’t it be better to preserve the longevity by being a little less selfish?
Tabasco Kid
Forgetting about man made climate change (which of course is a fact) & only denied by idiots - the real issue here is the exponential use of the planets resources to feed our desire both for things and food that far from sustaining us actually decreases our life expectancy- yes of course some environmental issues are exaggerated and yes of course some people make money by exploiting the situation but the issue is very much reality and unless there’s a significant shift in attitudes we are in serious trouble.
The real issue being the use of the planets resources for things and food? I like things n food. But then Im an idiot.
Pronoun "bloke".
Of course you are right but given all the good things humanity has gifted the world wouldn’t it be better to preserve the longevity by being a little less selfish?
We've gifted The World nothing. All we have done is rape and pillage the planet. If you want to extend the tenure of humans then get rid of the green nutter politicians. If you want to seriously reduce pollution the only way is nuclear in all countries. All proper vehicles need to be powered by recycled oil(an industry I work in). Electric vehicles, wind farms and solar panels are as green as the bluest thing on a really blue day. All major transport links for goods should be rail where possible(just look at the proposed rail link from China to Europe) obviously electrified. A bridge across the Bering Strait would provide a global rail link for trade except for the more remote islands. Production of food is a must in a sustainable(not BIO búllshít) way and most important of all a one child policy must be implemented worldwide. Will this happen? Will it fúck. The human race is suicidal, it just hasn't realised it yet.
Tabasco Kid
We've gifted The World nothing. All we have done is rape and pillage the planet. If you want to extend the tenure of humans then get rid of the green nutter politicians. If you want to seriously reduce pollution the only way is nuclear in all countries. All proper vehicles need to be powered by recycled oil(an industry I work in). Electric vehicles, wind farms and solar panels are as green as the bluest thing on a really blue day. All major transport links for goods should be rail where possible(just look at the proposed rail link from China to Europe) obviously electrified. A bridge across the Bering Strait would provide a global rail link for trade except for the more remote islands. Production of food is a must in a sustainable(not BIO búllshít) way and most important of all a one child policy must be implemented worldwide. Will this happen? Will it fúck. The human race is suicidal, it just hasn't realised it yet.
In Dragons Den style, im out. The Baring Strait bridge and one child policy did it for me. Best of luck with your aspirations though Singy.
Pronoun "bloke".
In Dragons Den style, im out. The Baring Strait bridge and one child policy did it for me. Best of luck with your aspirations though Singy.
Not my aspirations and thank you for proving my point about humans being suicidal and not realising it yet. It was a response to Peter Frost wanting to preserve the longevity of a self destructive organism.
Tabasco Kid
Not my aspirations and thank you for proving my point about humans being suicidal and not realising it yet. It was a response to Peter Frost wanting to preserve the longevity of a self destructive organism.
You havent answered my point about a Baring Strait bridge, and a one child policy. I look forward to it. Please continue.
Pronoun "bloke".
You havent answered my point about a Baring Strait bridge, and a one child policy. I look forward to it. Please continue.
You didn't make a point. You just indicated that you didn't agree. As with most people in denial you have no repost.