I totally agree with this Melly.
We’re all stakeholders in things we enjoy attending, be it a football club, a theatre or a restaurant.
We’re customers.
What on earth gives the Trust the idea that we can demand things from the owners baffles me.
The FAB will never be able to not indeed should it strive to dictate, however, it can suggest, just as a feedback page on a restaurant website may allow customers to request better disabled access for example or more choice for vegetarians.
We never hear of supporters groups calling for the owners of the derngate to resign because they’ve chosen to not upgrade the seats in a few years.
It’s Advisory by name and nature.
It benefits the club as they can base decisions on fans desires (not demands).
It benefits the fans as they can have that input regardless of whether or not the input is actioned upon.
The Trust role in keeping the owners honest was always an admirable one.
However, the consistent practice of issuing potentially libellous statements, tarring current owners with the past, has burned all bridges which is unfortunate to say the least.
I hope that one day, this whole thread is locked and never needed again…. Although somehow I doubt this will be the case.
And as I have stated previously, I hope at some point in the future we can have a Trust board who can hold the club to account whilst maintaining a professional relationship.