Bit tired of these protestations around the design and timelines of the stand. Often it was stated directly to them that instead of continuing on the chosen path, the main protagonists would have been better placed to lobby for the minimum standards of design specifications regarding the stand. It was suggested solicitations and/or demands could have been directed at the club and/or council to be specified as part of any land deal. However, not once during the process was any of this given any meaningful attention until the 12th hour. The decision to embark on alternative strategies was made, and that proved spectacularly unsuccessful. The alternative could and should have been initiated years ago. Ultimately despite the endless warnings, the wrong strategy was chosen, and the net result is no influence over the design by those who now choose to complain. But it’s not like they didn’t have or weren't given the opportunity to consider the other options. At the end of the day it wouldn’t have been any more futile that what eventually transpired and who knows, some of any shortcomings may have been addressed in part or full. Unfortunately for the misanthropes, they well and truly burnt the bridge with the relevant parties, and it’s way too late to insist on anything now.
To be honest I think that train left the station some time ago - and even with a less bitter vision these individuals embarking on a more positive campaign would be, as you say too late - firstly and most importantly, the die was cast when the £10+ million went missing and the shambles of a shell guising as the East Stand was built - KT said from the get go that demolishing and starting again was not practical via their financial means so any input on specification was always going to be limited - secondly and obviously the absence of any relationship (cue the normal blame on whose fault it is) means any suggestions would get little more than lip service act best.